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How 3 Different IT Companies Use Video to Stand Out in the Marketplace


Discover how 3 different IT Companies are using animated explainer videos to showcase products and services along with generating more business.

In 2016, video is becoming all but mandatory for IT companies looking to showcase their products and services or generate more business.

Consider these statistics:

  • 55% of people watch videos every day.
  • 78% of people watch videos online every week.
  • Using the word “video” in an email subject line increases open rates by 19%, boosts click-through-rate by 65%, and reduces unsubscribes by 26%.
  • 52% of marketers believe that video marketing is effective for brand awareness, lead generation (45%), and online engagement (42%).
  • According to Forbes, more than 80% of surveyed senior executives watch more online video today than they did a year ago.
  • 75% of senior executives watch work-related videos at least on a weekly basis, and 54% share work-related videos with their colleagues at least weekly.
  • 59% of senior executives also agree that they would prefer to watch videos if both text and video are available on the same topic on the same page.
  • 96% of B2B companies are planning to use video in their content marketing over the next 12 months.

So what goes into creating a killer video to help your IT company differentiate itself in the marketplace and with customers and clients alike?

Below are 3 different examples of IT company videos that we’ve worked on with clients. Each one is unique, and as you scan through them you’ll see different patterns, trends and ideas that you can pick up on and make your own!

The Ultimate Guide to Explainer Videos download

VIDEO 1: Smartwave
In this video Smartwave wanted to showcase their process management tool. Here’s how it looks:

VIDEO 2: Gladinet

Gladinet is a company that understand just how important it is that a video is focused on one idea so they made a series of videos to explain different things. In this one Gladinet explains their cloud enabled file syncing and sharing platform. Here’s how it looks:

VIDEO 3: eQuest

Here eQuest wanted to present their work order management and quality control inspection platform. Take a look:

If you’d like to learn more about explainer videos, go ahead and download our ebook!

The Ultimate Guide to Explainer Videos download